2022년 12월 15일 목요일

하워드 스나이더의 기도

Thursday Prayer:
O Lord, even as I worship you and seek to serve you, I know I am vulnerable to self-deception. So I commit myself fully, body and spirit, conscious and unconscious mind, into your hands. Purify my thoughts and intentions and imaginations, and work in all my life today, I pray. Amen.
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The Holy Spirit, by removing prejudice, by rooting out the selfishness of the heart, makes reason more reliable. . . .
One can be led by the Spirit, and at the same time exercise the strongest good sense, the soundest judgment. ‘The meek will he guide in judgment’ (Ps. 25:9). —B. T. Roberts, “Led by the Spirit,” The Earnest Christian, March 1883, p. 70.

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